ADHD WA (November 2023)

ADHD WA is coming to Esperance in November to present workshops for parents, eudcators and service providers. More info can be found here.
In collaboration with Escare, members of the ADHD WA team will be visiting Esperance and providing training sessions and workshops on ADHD for Parents & Carers, Teachers & School staff and Service Providers.

Generously supported by the Mt Burnett Foundation, attendance at the sessions is free. Creche is provided for the Parenting Workshop.


Support Network
In addition, Escare will host an informal session, which anyone interested in establishing an ADHD support network in Esperance, is encouraged to attend.

Meet at the Escare offices, Balmoral Square, 53 The Esplanade, Esperance on Tuesday 14 November at 1:30 pm.