About Us

Escare Inc offers assistance to families and individuals who need Financial Counselling, information and referral, advocacy, WANILS loans, skills development by holding or hosting workshops, Outside School Hours Care, Youth services, ongoing family support by way of Mytime group as well as the One and All inclusion projects such as the Community Holiday Program . Escare supports Community led, capacity building activities such as the whole of Community response to improving early literacy in the Paint Esperance ReAd program commencing in 2020.

Escare's philosophy is that...

Escare Mission Statement

To increase the capacity of individuals and families, to assist with daily living challenges and to enrich community life

Other Objectives

Escare Board

Escare Inc is managed by a local Board of Directors who convene regularly as per constitution, with the Escare Executive Officer.

Governance is guided by the Escare Constitution – latest version registered in 2017 and available to download/view here 

Annual General Meeting

Escare holds its AGM annually within six months of the end of our Financial Year (June 30)

Escare encourages interested individuals and organisations to become members of Escare’s Board. To be involved as a Director, nominations are required.

If you are interested in becoming a committee member, phone (08) 9071 3110 or contact contact@escare.org.au

Image: Drawing by Nanapa/Jennell Reynolds depicting Escare Inc in the Community.

Funding for Escare Programs

Escare Inc is funded by the WA Government : Department for Communities,  to run

Escare also receives fee subsidies from the Commonwealth Government to run the  After School and Vacation Care Programs.

In addition, Escare has received support from Lotterywest over the past 25 years.

Escare appreciates ongoing support from many local and Statewide  stakeholders such as the Esperance Shire, Goldfields Economic Development Commission, Parenting Connections (Kalgoorlie), WA Police (TNT Fitness Program), Southern Ports and Horizon Power (Swim for You).

Escare collaborates with organisations who share Escare’s vision for an inclusive and fair community.

Current major partnerships include