1980s: Escare’s Celebrates 21 Years (2003)

In September 1982...

The service consisted of a Family Support Officer, Avis Montgomerie, working from a single room on the verandah of the nurses quarters at Esperance Hospital.

Initially ESCARE’s role was to promote the family unit as well as single parents. To fulfill that role Escare worked with counsellors from the WA Marriage Guidance Council, and the Drug Alcohol Authority

In January 1984...

Val Baillie took on the role as Family Support Officer, and her additional task was to find help for families in crisis.

In February 1985...

Escare moved to occupy two rooms at Radio House. The second room was occupied by other support groups such as, Narcotics Anonymous and the Citizens Advice Bureau; who were also concerned with family situations

In 1988...

Cheryl Slade, pictured right, was the Family Support Officer

In 1989...

Helen Crowhurst (right), took over as Family Support Officer.

In this year also, Escare moved to ‘Community House’ on James Street, which had a rest room where out of town families could relax and have a nice cuppa.